Aline Nelson, APN

Aline Nelson is an Advanced Practice Nurse at Aunt Martha's.

Aline Nelson, APN

What I do

Healthcare Primary Care Pediatrics

Areas of Interest

Diabetes Management, STI Education, pediatric care, and wound care, and steroid knee injections.

Type of Provider

Nursing Advanced Practice Nurse (APN) Nurse Practitioner (NP)

I speak these languages


I want you to know....

My mission is to provide quality health care to all patients that is culturally competent, individualized and respectful. I believe in providing care that is compassionate and providing resources that will benefit each patient. My purpose is to provide each patient with thorough education and providing patients with an opportunity to be proactive in the upkeep of their health.


American Nurses Credentialing Center

Internship, Residency, and/or Fellowship
Helping Hands Community Clinic, Polyclinic Pediatrics

Masters of Science of Nursing- South University
Masters of Family Nurse Practitioner Certification – Bradley University

Baccalaureate Degree in the Science of Nursing- Lakeview College of Nursing

I will see you soon!

Vermilion Area Community Health Center

(877) 692-8686

614 N Gilbert St
Danville, IL 61832