Our Impact – Calendar Year 2022
You get the health care and services you need. We make it easy.
Aunt Martha’s is a Primary Care Medical Home for more than 56,000 patients, and a vital resource for more than 105,000 children and adults from over 600 communities in Illinois.
We have more than 20 health centers located across nine counties. Can’t come see us in person? Schedule a telehealth visit or connect with your care team with your personal Patient Portal.

Our Impact – Calendar Year 2022
You know great care when you feel it. It starts on your first visit. It starts with trust.
We have always been the health care provider you can trust.
We have always been focused on giving every patient the best care possible.
And we’re a Health Center Quality Leader. For 7 years in a row.

Our Impact – Calendar Year 2022
We drive down the cost of care. You get and stay well.
Value means two things: Your health gets better and the cost of care goes down.
When you choose Aunt Martha’s, your trusting your care to a top quality team that also cares about a healthy bottom line.
As a patient, our focus on value means you get the care you need, when you need it.

Unless otherwise noted, quality and cost data is for Calendar Year 2022.
Learn more at data.hrsa.gov